Consulting- See what Pioneer Microsystems can do for your company.
Light Manufacturing- Electronic assembly and testing.
Staff- Meet the staff of Pioneer Microsystems.
Links- Our favorite fun web sites.

Pioneer Microsystems, Inc.
1322 Regency Drive
Pittsburgh, PA 15237
Ph: 412-369-9920
Fax: 412-369-9014
Pioneer Microsystems is a Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania based electronics design consulting
firm. We regularly help solve problems with:
- Product re-design due to loss of manufacturing data or parts obsolescence.
- Fresh design of a product from concept to manufacturing.
- New design to replace an existing product, adding new features.
- Authoring software to complement a hardware team
We are an electronics design firm that bring you the following skills:
- Circuit, Schematic, PCB, and Bills of materials creation, 1, 2, 4, and 6 layer, TH
and SMT technology.
- High competency in embedded systems as well as significant software abilities.
- Analog circuitry, including sensor and amplifier.
- Board level RF integrated with embedded designs.
- We are proud of our skill set in switched mode power supply design, including the
design and prototyping of magnetic components